Medical Medium/ Intuitive Healing Sessions!

Let’s take a look at Medical Medium / Intuitive Healing Sessions!


In today’s post  I’m going to delve in to one of my signature service’s Medical Medium/ Intuitive Healing Session and just how exactly it can help you, and when you should get a medical medium/ intuitive healing session.

Medical Medium is vastly  different to a full body energy healing- which I would call TRADITIONAL energy healing. I offer Cosmic Life Force Energy Healings in the form of traditional healings also, you can have a read here

 In my books, a traditional energy healing is an in person or distant full body energy healing where the healer will channel higher LIGHT and LIFE FORCE into your energy-body and spirit. This energy is “lighter” then what you are currently embodying, working with energetically and spiritually- and traditional energy healings are  dependant on the skill of the healer and how “initiated” they are- no you cannot become a professional energy healer from a weekend or even a month “ energy healing course”- usually when a soul incarnates specifically to offer healing- there are VERY strict rules and regulations from the spirit realms about who is ordained and trained to be doing that work- and the higher spirit realms will NEVER work through someone who HAS NOT been trained to “administer” energy in a professional manner.

Usually- when a soul can do professional healing work- they have been doing so for a VERY long time- past lives. 

There were reasons as to why it was so hard to get “ordained” in the old fashioned healing temples! There were also “ levels” in which one was ordained- a testament to their ability.  Spiritual Tests served as initiations to test the skill of the healer/ intuitive and if they in fact DID have the skillset to be doing that work!

This is why I routinely say- a very good energy healer is offering a SERVICE and it is a BUSINESS so has to be treated like one- and YOU should be treated like a client! A professional service- no matter if its “spiritual” or not- should be of high quality- and when someone incarnates with the life pathway of being a healer- that is because it has been “pre ordained” pre incarnation as apart of that soul’s life path and they have the ability naturally in their soul to be doing VERY high quality work in working with the high standards the spirit realms need. 

This is why The Business Directory will serve as a place to find TOP QUALITY businesses and healers who have a very high level of professionalism and skillset - anyone on that list will be someone whom KNOWS what their doing- guaranteed!

Just like someone has a gift with food or cuisine- it is no different to a soul having “healing” gifts!

Traditional Energy Healings can be absolutely amazing-  especially if you have had trauma and a lot of negativity or have come out of a life cycle in which you have experienced A LOT of negativity- as when you open up to receive LIGHT from the healing- it will begin to clear VERY DEEPLY in your energy body any residue, trauma, heaviness and what many healers call “ dense energy” or  “density” which keeps your light and energy in a heavy state- therefore you are experiencing life in a “heavy” manner.

Past life negativity is very common- we carry patterns from past lives into our current lives as the fabric of our soul’s energy  does not change!

In a more spiritually healthy society- we would have trained and initiated healer’s and intuitive’s integrated into society in a mature way and would serve as “mediators” and be able to help teach and show you how to work with your energy body so you may help yourself.

This is where a Medical Medium/Intuitive Healing session is different to a full body healing- in that it is more of a type of health and wellness consult  where I help you understand what has gone on in your energy body, how you can help yourself and help you move through negativity and blockages. In the 1.5 Hr Consult  there is no distant full energy healing like in a traditional healing- we sit down, we tune in together and I help you move through what’s coming up as I begin to receive insight into your spiritual health and well-being.

It is very important to note that with energy work- we are looking at your chakra’s ( this will help introduce you to the chakra’s and your aura and how that works  for you) and your energy body and what’s ATTRIBUTING to you FEELING a certain way!

For example- if a client came to me and said “I lack self confidence after I got bullied in my work place- I feel really down and I have trouble going for what I want”- We may look at the solar plexus chakra- which is self empowerment and self confidence- plus energy building in the aura and learning to TAKE UP SPACE with confidence again and look at some tips and tricks to say no with empowerment when someone tries to impose on your energy. A  flow on from this is that as a bi-product of feeling more confident you begin to “ see the sun” again and start working out - taking up space for yourself- and you start gaining attention from the opposite sex as you are no longer afraid to be “seen” as you have overcome the energy of disempowerment. You end up getting a partner- you decide to go for a higher position at work- your FEELING healthy, confident and WELL! 

It really is astounding how small energy tweaks can REALLY change what you thought was possible or what you were “stuck” with. 

Another example would be “ As a mum- I feel over worked, exhausted and I don’t enjoy my husband even though I love him- I don’t feel vibrant” - Maybe we would look at diet and exercise and what’s going to make you feel vibrant and be able to lay down some boundaries with your children and relatives so you can focus on what’s going to ADD to your energy instead of DRAIN it. We would then look at your habits and creativity ( sacral chakra) and see why you are not flowing and glowing as a mum - this is a mix of medical medium/ intuitive healing and usually there may be some  tips that come through as well as herbal helping hands! 

It is like getting a health and wellness “tweak” for your personal energy- and I love to give personalised meditations/ energy work for you to take home.

For many of us- we just don’t know how to FEEL GOOD and JUICY in our day to day lives - and energy work and getting acquainted with your life force and energy can be an absolute game changer.

These sessions can also be used for REALLY trying dynamics that you have a hard time exiting out of - e.g draining  relatives- how to shut down someones manipulative energy so you can enjoy your own life ect- all of this has to do with the chakras and managing YOUR energy and not getting involved in someone ELSES energy- a lot of us have not been taught common sense energy boundaries or know HOW to navigate tricky behaviour- and all too often someone else’s energy/ frequency can cause absolute havoc on our spiritual health, wealth and vitality!

Getting to know how to read energy and frequency while being able to tune into yourself and being able to SAY NO to and disengage from unhealthy or negative energy will change how you view life and open you up to healthier individuals friendships and relationships!

What’s amazing about these sessions is that when we sit down for the consult- we tune in together with the spirit realms and its ALOT more easier for YOU to hear and connect in - after any session with me client’s intuition usually strengthens 10 fold  and client’s gain a lot more confidence in listening to they own guidance  on their life paths.

Usually you will KNOW if you need one of these sessions - e.g you have a health concern that just BUGS  you and you KNOW there is something deeper behind it - e.g I had an eating disorder in my teens- I thought I was over it as an adult but I still can’t seem to let go and enjoy food without being anxious. In something like this- there will most likely be some caught trauma or energy keeping you “stuck” in re-experiencing that situation over and over.

We can look at these things like “blocks” or “blobs” of energy that are stopping us from enjoying life and enjoying ultimate spiritual health and wellness- sometimes- these blocks of energy just need a helping hand in being cleared out of your FLOW of spiritual health so you can move on to bigger, healthier energies!

What I have also seen- is if there has been trauma- or stuck blocked energy that has sat there for a long time and “accumulated” negativity- it is quite common for that blob of energy in your energy body to affect the clarity and the quality of your thoughts.

What goes on in your ENERGY-BODY will affect your positive state of mind- so if your life force/ energy is heavy and traumatised ( OR your spirit has exited out of your body from extreme trauma- VERY COMMON) - your mind will be in overdrive and you will believe it to be normal. 

There is such a thing as a traumatised mind- and this is where no matter how much meditation you do ( and if you are already eating healthy and exercise) if you are traumatised your mind will be traumatised and it will be hard to “harness” it.  It is like being “cut off” from your soul and experiencing yourself in a very one-dimensional way. 

High consumption of animal products also attribute to a heavy and dense mind- please watch my video here on how animal products can attribute to that- via A LOT of dreams! 

Because of a by-product of a “traumatised” consciousness ( or rather.. dinosaur consciousness)  we do not know HOW to feel spiritually healthy in our bodies- and we still have a lot of people here in The Earthly Realm embodying a heavy consciousness where it is VERY common to play out your trauma onto others around you- THIS IS NOT HEALTHY and SHOULD NOT be deemed spiritually healthy.


As a result- we can get caught up in a dinosaur consciousness that is unhealthy, negative and unsupportive (very common in family dynamics or black sheep family member- it is very common to incarnate into a “dense” or heavy family as a black sheep and get traumatised as a bi-product of your  immature parents and lack of good parenting - if you are the black sheep- it is most likely your consciousness is “above” the family consciousness and usually where there is group mentality- that is when scapegoating and isolating begins to happen- this is a VERY good example of dinosaur consciousness and if you are the black sheep in your family- please go and see a healer so they can sort you out- you needn’t suffer or sit in your families negativity - you are here to thrive and you most likely need some validation and get “reconnected” to your higher spiritual guidance and re-embody your higher frequency. 

Typically- when your frequency “doesn’t match” the group- it is typical for bullying and nastiness to take place- this is a sign there is NO RESONANCE and you NEED TO LEAVE!

In the case of trauma - the spirit can “seperate off” from your body and will need to be brought back into the body safely. If you are traumatised form immature/ bad parenting- it is important you go to a professional healer who knows how to work with the energy body and “bring back” that part of you in-  when you have suffered long term  negativity and abuse- PTSD is a sign of fight or flight survival and it can take a bit of work to get you back to feelings of safety and that it is “safe” to have your spirit in the body.

I have had great success with herbs  in getting myself back to a state of safety  energetically- and a lot of that also has to do with energetic boundaries and getting a lot FIRMER with whom your willing to associate with.

When you are traumatised- it is most likely your aura is VERY open or “bruised” and you are a sitting duck for entities, others negativity ect and you are experiencing life in a VERY anxious,  heightened way.

Ask yourself- do you feel like life loves you? How does your body feel? Are you happy? Do you HATE being here? Do you enjoy your body? You most likely have some hidden trauma. It is NOT spiritually normal to feel that way- and we really just need a helping hand in knowing how to feel good and healthy long term !

Medical Medium/ Intuitive Healing sessions can  cover A LOT and can be incredibly beneficial. 

I will say that some things that helped calm my own anxiety being highly traumatised and healing it were simple things like daily magnesium,  cutting out certain media and “friends”,  using certain herbs that came though my dreams for psychic protection, understanding frequency so I may discern what I would like to be surrounded by, a gluten free vegan diet,  no alcohol and no stimulants. ( I had to say good bye to my beloved green tea and Im also very highly sensitive to sugar now) . From being incredibly FEARFUL of radiating joy and happiness to feeling good most days- medical medium sessions are WORTH IT and the guidance I’v received has been deeply helpful and changed my quality of life.

There are many things, not JUST health and diet that can attribute to why you are feeling a certain way- Don’t be a stranger to getting acquainted with GOOD energy and how to maintain that for yourself through Medical Medium/ Intuitive Healing Sessions!

I will say- it is probably not wise to book a session if you are still on those energy drinks or eat take away food often and haven’t yet made the connection that those habits are attributing to your low energy! Please go watch my latest video “ New Age Spirituality and By Passing” here to hear a little more about self responsibility and free will choice. 

It is important when you visit a healer that they are not here to “do life” for you- if you are looking for a scapegoat for your own laziness or refusal to take care of yourself with basic common sense e.g basic healthy diet and regular exercise- you should not be visiting a healer or medical medium. If you are drinking/ smoking regularly  and wondering why your feeling negative or “want someone to do the heavy lifting for you” you are not ready to visit a healer! 

However if you KNOW you need a helping hand and you are  sick and tired of experiencing life in a certain way- that is a sign you WANT better energy- you just need some direction and guidance on how to find it!  Others are happy in a certain frequency- and there is no point in visiting a healer  for guidance if your not interested in actually following through with changing your own behaviour!

Medical Medium/Intuitive Healing Sessions are GREAT to introduce you to healthier ways of working with life- force and energy for a better, higher quality life with spiritual health, wealth and vitality!

Looking forward to working with all whom come through these sessions!

Bee xx


Let’s take a closer look at Spirit World Sessions!


New Moon Eclipse