Let’s take a closer look!
The term manifesting has become somewhat of a “buzz word” over the past few years, with many jumping on the “manifestation” band wagon.
It is somewhat “trendy” to be a “manifestation queen” in the social media realms these days!
From my perspective, manifestation is one of the most commonsense things one can do here in The Earthly Realm.
If we just strip it back to basics, and take away the fancy photo shoots, the over priced monthly courses to “manifest your best life” and look at it through a practical lenses- anyone can do it!
A lot of the times, when we start to feel drawn to something like manifesting, it is because we are desiring on some level a better, higher quality of life or life style. We want something MORE.
But sometimes, we have to “wade” through all the negativity, heaviness and depression so we can move into a more positive energy.
It is usually when our soul beckons us that there is something more fulfilling or more enticing that would suit us better.
Usually, we start off with absolutely nothing. Maybe we are stuck in a dead end job, maybe we came from a broken home where “finances were a struggle” and we have experienced life, up until this time, to be hard, draining and dissatisfying.
Did you know that’s when a spiritual depression starts to form and over time we become spiritually despondent and dreary- believing that’s “all life is”?
A lot of people talk about the mind and what your focusing on - this is I would say 10% of it- as you are missing a large portion that actually helps things manifest- your SOUL CONNECTION.
You can have “ego” manifestation- where you are desiring a fancy car or a bigger house so you can “ look better” to others or “be better” then others where it is based on insecurity, low self worth and low self respect. Usually this is followed by not so integral “actions”.
Then you can have soul manifestation where you are consciously aligning and working, everyday towards a life style that is going to make you fulfilled and happy on ALL levels.
There is A LOT more to manifestation than what our influencers have led us to believe - it is really more so about figuring out what is going to SUIT YOU in the soul and make you WANT to get out of bed everyday and “move forward” with your life pathway! Purpose, Direction, Fun and Excitement!!
We have to feel “aligned” with what we are creating or “manifesting” in our lives, from the soul.
E.g- if you are a woman and are wearing all the latest trends and doing everything that is cool and hip- and you are “manifesting” a life that LOOKS GOOD but doesn't necessary feel good- you are “manifesting” from a surface level and your desires are never going to “manifest” or gain LONG TERM TRACTION if it is not what you truly desire/ want from the soul.
It makes sense, right? Commonsense!
So, if you are desiring money so you can be like your friends - that is not really manifesting. That is surface validation - do you see the difference?
If one was “manifesting” from their soul desire ( and sometimes it takes a while to figure out what it is your wanting- and that’s when we begin the process of manifesting when something BIGGER is calling us, and we have these feelings, we start to dream, we have downloads and intuitive hunches) we begin to go on a journey of self discovery into creating a work of art or a life that REALLY hits the sweet spot! And guess what, GREAT MANIFESTATIONS take time! Slow and steady wins the race!
To me, this is manifesting at it’s finest.
You have to KNOW what it is your wanting and what’s going to make you feel good, from within FIRST.
This is when we embrace our uniqueness and our quirks and begin to “manifest” something that REALLY suits who we are, from the soul.
It’s a different way of viewing life , but ultimately it puts YOU in the drivers seat and YOU are peddling the gears in the direction you want to take your life!
This is where energy work comes in- in that if we don’t work with our energy-body and our chakra system we can be “manifesting” from hurts, pains and trauma or rather stuck, negative energy and “create” a life off that energy swirling around in us.
This is why you gets feelings of “ why can’t I move forward from this”? “ why do I keep attracting the same things over and over”? “ Why is my financial flow horrible? What am I missing here?”
And you could just be “manifesting” from outdated energy that is keeping you stuck in a certain vibration.
This is where a Medical Medium Session or a Full Body Energy Healing can come in and really work magic.
Once YOU understand what’s going on in YOUR energy and how to better manage it - you gain a lot more traction, confidence and “can do” energy to make your life MANIFEST.
It’s all energy!
When we are stuck in a “low” vibration we feel EVERYTHING to be hard, trying and that we have to “over come” challenge after challenge ( yes challenge is great- but sometimes we can get addicted to life being “hard” when its really the energy you are embodying that is “hard” ).
We find it hard to “flow” and relax into the unknown , following our intuition knowing that things are going to work out, and we instead go into fear, distrust and anxiety.
If you embody fear, distrust and anxiety often- it is hard to hear helpful spiritual guidance and direction for your life path.
This is where herbal teas, psychic boundaries and a healthy diet can help you greatly with anxiety - a lot of the times we are responding to energies outside of us or others energy that is not an accurate representation of where we are going or what is beckoning us.
I do know too, that you have to WANT a better quality of life and you have to put in EFFORT towards the manifestations that you would like to live out.
Sometimes, we also have to be VERY patient with the “outcome” and learn to trust in the journey and preserver while we wait for things to “ build” or “come together”.
We cannot expect great business, financial flow, an amazing quality of life by sitting by and doing nothing. This also is not about “hustle” either!
Contrary to popular “manifestation” belief- things do not just “land on your lap”- it is desiring to manifest what YOU want in YOUR LIFE! It’s UP TO YOU!
Comparing yourself and your journey is also not a good idea- because each persons life path is incredibly different and unique to THEM and THEIR energy. What may suit someone else may not suit you!
If you look at it from a soul perspective- its about manifesting with your own desire/ power and only YOU have access to it- and the biggest thing YOU can do is listen to those intuitive hunches and begin to FOLLOW THROUGH with what The Cosmos is pointing you towards.
Sometimes, you just need to take those first few steps- maybe it is you start getting up earlier and working out before work- maybe you start saying no to the after work drinks and instead go home to relax, re-focus and get your priorities in line for where you want your life to go.
With manifesting- you must be an ACTIVE participant in your life- and you must be working towards something that you actually WANT otherwise- you are just not going have the drive to “ manifest” it and enjoy the process!
There is no point in desiring something that someone else has- as that may not be what will being you joy and fulfilment.
When we get stuck in energies of jealousy, envy and entitlement- it is pointing to somewhere in your own life where YOU are not putting in the time and effort into YOURSELF- instead you are focusing on others.
With manifesting, getting your priorities RIGHT is the first step, as is boundaries and discernment with others frequencies and life paths.
IS it actually what YOU want? If not- your not going to feel soul fulfilment whilst “manifesting” your desires!
This is when people who are unhappy and “stuck” do not DESIRE to MANIFEST a better quality of life- they are happy staying “stuck” and “unhappy” and enjoy blaming it on others- and they are choosing on some level to manifest that!
Soul Fulfilment and how we manifest is incredibly different to each person- you just have to want to change your habits and direction into positivity with some goals and directions and stay true to YOU and your intuition!
This is how we begin to “manifest” a life style and quality of life that is PERFECT for who YOU are and your unique skill set here in The Earthly Realm!
Until next time,
B xx